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Innovative technology
of biopolymer production

About the project
The project concept envisages industrial processing of corn into 100% decomposable biopolymer using a unique innovative technology of triple nanopolymerization, which allows to obtain a biocompound (or bioplastic) with high physicomechanical properties and a controlled period of biological destruction.
Project in numbers

2 years
8 month
Volume of biopolymer production per year
The planned amount of investment
Payback period
The project has existed since the spring of 2019 and during this time has received considerable recognition at the local and international levels.

UNIDO - 2 place
Circular Economy Hakaton - 1 place
Ukrainian Startup Fund finalists

Technical parameters of biopolymer
BIOC bioplastic is a biologically based plastic granular material (with a content of modified corn starch of 50-75%), which undergoes triple copolymerization and undergoes 100% biodegradation.
Depending on the percentage of individual components, can be divided into brands of bioplastics used for the production of certain types of plastic products.
About the product

1.26 - 1.3 g/cm³ - density
(ISO 1183)
50-60 D - hardness
2-4 г/10 min - melt consumption 190°C, 2.16 kg (ISO 1133)
95-150°C - melting range
260°C - thermal decomposition temperature (ASTM-D6370)
BIOC advantages
• The content of corn starch in the final product is more than 50%
• Complete processing chain from corn from the field to the biocompound
• Variable term of biological decomposition of bioplastics and final products
• Possibility of easy replacement of plastic granules with BIOC bioplastic granules
• A wide range of applications of end products

Impact on the environment
Polymer waste is one of the main problems of the XXI century. Every year, every Ukrainian uses about 500 plastic bags. At the same time, according to statistics, the average duration of use of such a package is 12 minutes, and such a package decomposes up to 200 years or 105,120,000 minutes.

Every year in Ukraine

million tons
of them
of plastic
Household waste
Various polymers
Recyclable for reuse
The problem to be solved
The only alternative to replacing "petroleum" plastic is the use of biopolymers, which allow to produce goods with the same physical and mechanical properties, but in natural conditions dissolve in carbon dioxide, water, mineralized salt in a much shorter time.
The project forms a new concept of plastic handling in Ukraine: NOT the ban on the use of plastic, which has become part of everyday life, but its replacement with BIOPLASTIC - an innovative, environmentally friendly and practical material for the production of most types of "plastic" products.
World map
Under modern conditions, complete abandonment of plastic is almost impossible. Of the 197 countries in the world, only about 44% have restrictions on the use of plastic:

Voluntary decisions of market participants
Plastic bags are partially taxed or prohibited
Plastic bags are prohibited
The topic is being discussed, but no decisions have been made
There is no information on serious discussions of the topic

At the end of 2019, Ukraine adopted in the first reading the draft Law on Restrictions on the Circulation of Plastic Packages in Ukraine № 2051-1 of September 18, 2019, which is the first step towards limiting the use of oil-based plastics in our country.

+38 (095) 23 02 220
+38 (068) 98 00 888
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